The Future of Learning in the Workplace

Dieses Webinar wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

What happens at the crossroads of the future of learning and leadership? Your organisation’s success in these areas is dependent on the innovative steps you take today. Is your organisation ready for what is ahead?

Join co-author of the bestselling book, Everyone Deserves a Great Manager, Victoria Roos Olsson, for a complimentary webcast on the future of learning in the workplace.

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What happens at the crossroads of the future of learning and leadership?

In this 60-minute webcast, we will highlight:

  • The crossroads between the future of learning and leadership.
  • Overview the latest trends, research, and tools to improve learning and leadership.
  • Identify the most important questions and challenges for the future.

Register today to build exceptional leaders, teams, and cultures that get results.