
Lang oder kurz, online oder persönlich, diese Veranstaltungen sollen Führungskräften und Entscheidungsträgern helfen zu verstehen, wie FranklinCovey die verschiedenen geschäftlichen Herausforderungen angeht, mit denen Unternehmen heute konfrontiert sind. Nutze die Gelegenheit, dich mit einem erfahrenen Berater auszutauschen und dich von neuen Ideen inspirieren zu lassen.


Execute Your Strategic Goals and Create Breakthrough Results

Are you a senior leader faced with implementing a must-win initiative in the shortest amount of time, yet requiring maximum employee engagement? Rather than just a theory, The 4 Disciplines of Execution® is a proven set of principles designed to help leaders consistently achieve breakthrough results. This shareable guide gives an overview of each discipline to help you get started on achieving your goals by executing on your priorities.


Execution Challenge Worksheet

Every organisation has pockets of great performance. Within them you will find significant variability in performance—think of all the sales teams in your organisation that aren't performing like the great ones. The best organisations know where their pockets of greatness reside. They are better than the rest at scaling greatness across the organisation, institutionalising their own best practices, getting everyone's behaviour to change, and making their performance curve "righter and tighter." Our complimentary Execution Challenge Worksheet to help you answer:
  • What is the most important goal, outcome, or metric of your organisation?
  • Who needs to do what differently, or more consistently, to achieve the goal or outcome?
  • Which sales teams or leaders are modelling the behaviour that you want and are considered your great performers?


The 80/20 Activity Analyzer

80% of your results will come from 20% of your activities—are you focusing on the right ones? Use our 80/20 Activity Analyzer tool to be more strategic in your process and more successful in your results. Analyze any barrier, evaluate others who have achieved something similar, and use your imagination to determine other activities that might make a difference.


Mobilize Your Team to Deliver Breakthrough Results

Organisations are not immune to the vastly changing environment we live in today. Leaders are facing more pressure than ever to keep up with increasing demands to deliver impactful results.
But even amongst constant change, leaders need to fall back on trusted principles and disciplines that guarantee breakthrough results for their organisation. Our new guide provides four time-proven execution disciplines that will mobilize everyone in your organisation to reach new heights.


Turn Average Employees into High Performers

Your organisation has pockets of great performers and extraordinary teams. And then there’s everyone else. Whenever you have variability in performance, you have variability in results. The key to creating great results is institutionalizing high-performance behaviours at scale.

By applying some basic truths about human motivation, you can turn average employees into high performers and typical teams into powerhouses. Download our complimentary guide to discover how 'moving your middle' has dramatic results on your organisation’s overall performance.


8 Ways to Boost Your Team's Commitment to Goals

In a perfect world, your team would magically show up to work fully committed to their goals—one of the keys to accomplishing anything as a team. But, since that's not an option in the real world, download our guide, 8 Ways to Boost Your Team's Commitment to Goals, to get your team on board and moving in the right direction.


6 Traps to Avoid When Creating an Engaged Virtual Team

 In remote and hybrid environments, leaders need to be even more intentional about creating the right conditions for high engagement.

The most powerful principles of human motivation are timeless, and they apply in all settings: in-person, remote, or hybrid. As the best leaders know, highly engaged employees are playing a game that matters, and they’re winning. Download this guide dispelling common engagement myths to ensure you are empowering your people wherever they are.


4 Steps to Refine and Execute Your Team Goals

Too many leaders set vague goals like “improve customer retention,” leaving their teams unsure of how well they’re doing or even exactly what they’re working toward. FranklinCovey has developed a simple but powerful formula to identify where you are today, where you want to go, and the deadline for reaching that goal.

Download our tool 4 Steps to Refine and Execute Your Team Goals and learn how to talk about goals in more specific and measurable ways.

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