Increasing the Social-Emotional Intelligence of Your Workforce

This webinar is presented in English.

This webcast is a brief executive overview to help decision-makers understand FranklinCovey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® For organisations who have people with relatively good technical skills but who lack social-emotional skills around empathy, collaboration, self-management, problem solving, and communication, The 7 Habits® is a framework that builds capabilities that have been proven to transform individuals, teams, and entire organisations. Learn more about what this session covers below!

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Improve effectiveness for individuals and teams.

Regardless the role—from marketing, to finance, to sales, to the executive team and beyond—everyone in your organisation has a need to develop social-emotional skills. For 30 years, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has been revered as a proven and enduring framework to build the interpersonal skills that drive individual and team performance.

In this live 60-minute webcast event you will:

  • Learn how the 7 Habits can drive organizational results through intentional self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, and collaborative relationships
  • Explore each of the 7 Habits and understand the transformational impact they can have on your workforce
  • Experience compelling videos and case studies that will enable a growth mindset to drive positive behavior change
  • Discover how the timeless principles in the 7 Habits can build the skills needed to excel in working with and through others