FranklinCovey Events

Long and short, online and in-person, these events are designed to help leaders and decision makers understand how FranklinCovey approaches different business challenges organisations face today. Join us for an opportunity to engage with an experienced consultant and be inspired by new ideas.

Strategy Execution

Execute Your Strategic Goals and Create Breakthrough Results

Are you a senior leader faced with implementing a must-win initiative in the shortest amount of time, yet requiring maximum employee engagement? Rather than just a theory, The 4 Disciplines of Execution® is a proven set of principles designed to help leaders consistently achieve breakthrough results. This shareable guide gives an overview of each discipline to help you get started on achieving your goals by executing on your priorities.


3 Ways Your Sales Team Can Stand Out and Sell More

Does your sales team stand out? After six years of intensely focused research involving nearly 3,000 sales professionals from 135 countries, we've discovered three ways top sales performers differentiate from the rest of the very best. Now, you can learn what it takes to help your team stand out and sell more with our in-depth guide.


Inclusive Leaders: Three keys to build an authentic, high-trust organisational culture

Recent studies show that organisations prioritising DEI in the workplace are more profitable and have higher innovation rates, up to 20%. They also report better employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention. This results in a happier, healthier organisation overall that produces greater results.

Now is the time for leaders to build inclusion into their daily behaviors and decisions. Do your leaders have the right styles, methods, skills, and tools to succeed?

Download our newest guide and share it with your leaders to learn more about developing inclusive leadership and building trust in your organisation.

Strategy Execution

Execution Challenge Worksheet

Every organisation has pockets of great performance. Within them you will find significant variability in performance—think of all the sales teams in your organisation that aren't performing like the great ones. The best organisations know where their pockets of greatness reside. They are better than the rest at scaling greatness across the organisation, institutionalising their own best practices, getting everyone's behaviour to change, and making their performance curve "righter and tighter." Our complimentary Execution Challenge Worksheet to help you answer:
  • What is the most important goal, outcome, or metric of your organisation?
  • Who needs to do what differently, or more consistently, to achieve the goal or outcome?
  • Which sales teams or leaders are modelling the behaviour that you want and are considered your great performers?


100+ Questions for Better 1-on-1s

Effective 1-on-1s are all about helping individual contributors be more successful. They provide an opportunity for individuals to form connections with their leader, share challenges, receive coaching, solve problems, and get feedback. When done right, 1-on-1s can be the most productive meeting of the week. Help everyone in your organisation get more out of their 1-on-1 meetings. To see how 1-on-1s can be taken to the next level, download and share 7 Ways to Get More Out of 1-on-1s with Your Manager.

Strategy Execution

The 80/20 Activity Analyzer

80% of your results will come from 20% of your activities—are you focusing on the right ones? Use our 80/20 Activity Analyzer tool to be more strategic in your process and more successful in your results. Analyze any barrier, evaluate others who have achieved something similar, and use your imagination to determine other activities that might make a difference.

Culture | Leadership

6 Key Communication Techniques to Build Trust and Inspire Your Team

The expectations for leaders in the workforce are changing. Leadership today is much more than setting goals and dictating priorities. Your job as a leader is to connect your team to a greater sense of purpose and meaning at work. To do this, communication is key. Leaders must communicate in ways that build trust and inspire their teams to greatness. Download these 6 Communication Techniques to Build Trust and Inspire Your Team. Then share them with leaders in your organization and encourage them to try these in their 1-on-1s.


How effective leaders get results: 7 ways to be more proactive

If there's a tough decision you're postponing, an awkward conversation you're avoiding, or an urgent change you're not quite ready to make, now's the time to take action. Read our guide, How Effective Leaders Get Results: 7 Ways to be More Proactive, to learn how taking initiative in small, specific ways can help you reach your goals—for your team, your career, and your life.

Individual Effectiveness

7 Ways to Get More out of 1-on-1s With Your Manager

Effective 1-on-1s are all about helping individual contributors be more successful. They provide an opportunity for individuals to form connections with their leader, share challenges, receive coaching, solve problems, and get feedback. When done right, 1-on-1s can be the most productive meeting of the week. Help everyone in your organisation get more out of their 1-on-1 meetings. To see how 1-on-1s can be taken to the next level, download and share 7 Ways to Get More Out of 1-on-1s with Your Manager.


8 Techniques to Get Beyond the Gatekeeper

Gatekeepers are typically in their role because they are good at it. After all, their job is to protect their leader's time and attention. But this doesn't need to be an adversarial relationship. With a few techniques—and honest communication—we've found that gatekeepers will admit nearly anyone. To help your team learn these skills, download and share this set of performance cards.


3 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organisation's Impact

Successful leadership is about getting people to work together and give their best effort to your organisation’s most important goals. But this doesn’t just happen automatically—it requires intentional leadership actions that engage and connect your people and achieve results in a big way.

Download our newest guide for three actions your leaders can take today to transform your teams’ efforts into high-value results.

Strategy Execution

Mobilize Your Team to Deliver Breakthrough Results

Organisations are not immune to the vastly changing environment we live in today. Leaders are facing more pressure than ever to keep up with increasing demands to deliver impactful results.
But even amongst constant change, leaders need to fall back on trusted principles and disciplines that guarantee breakthrough results for their organisation. Our new guide provides four time-proven execution disciplines that will mobilize everyone in your organisation to reach new heights.


Seven Misconceptions About Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases are, well, unconscious, which makes them hard to identify, much less know their true impact. It’s a complex and sometimes controversial issue. Is it any wonder that there are so many misconceptions around what to do? Before you can take steps to operate more fairly and effectively at work, you need to get your bearings.

Download our guide Seven Misconceptions About Unconscious Bias to better demystify this complex issue and understand what it takes to change unconscious biased behaviour.


Leadership Approaches for a New World

The past few years have brought rapid changes to workplaces around the globe. As a result, organisational dynamics and needs have changed, and leaders need to adjust their approach to keep up with changing times. To thrive, your leaders need to adapt their styles, methods, and skills to be more agile than ever, guide their teams through periods of disruption, and deliver on important business goals that drive results.

Our new guide explores four leadership areas that require a new approach to ensure success:

  • Change management
  • Building trust
  • Transparent feedback
  • Driving consistent execution
Download our guide to help leaders in your organisation embrace this new world and understand the fundamental principles that will help them move forward.

Culture | Leadership

The Energy of Change: 5 Leadership Behaviours to Drive Collective Action in a Fluid Landscape

Organisational change used to feel like a rare event for most—now, it’s constant. And while part of dealing with change is simply accepting there will always be things beyond our control, leaders can use this disruption as an opportunity to create growth and inspire better results in both their people and their organisation. Help your leaders prepare their teams to move through change and transform your organisation’s approach to change by downloading and sharing our new guide, The Energy of Change—5 Leadership Behaviours to Drive Collective Action in a Fluid Landscape.


Help Your Team Thrive in the Age of Remote Working

With much of the world having to adapt and work remotely where possible, it can be hard to manage even a single team because of virtual distances. Managers might feel powerless to keep a group cohesive and productive, whether in the office or working remotely. Distance working has its own set of challenges and cultural issues, just like working in the office does.

So, what can you do to shrink this cultural divide and prevent your co-located or remote team members from feeling isolated on either side?

To learn how to keep every team member engaged—from anywhere—read our guide Help Your Team Thrive in the Age of Remote Work: 8 Tips to Boost Engagement, Collaboration, and Morale.


How to Build Trust and Unleash the Potential of Your Direct Reports

Everyone has greatness inside of them. Are your leaders doing enough to unlock it? An exceptional leader's job is to unleash the potential in each of their direct reports.

This is a learnable skill that is built upon the foundation of trust and can impact your organization, but it’s easier said than done.

Share this guide with leaders in your organisation to help them build trust with their teams, unleash potential, and become a Trust & Inspire leader.

Individual Effectiveness

5 Questions to Prepare for More Productive Meetings

We all know the pain of sitting through boring, unorganised, and downright wasteful meetings. When you calculate the costs of unproductive meetings for your organisation, it adds up fast. A little preparation can go a long way when making meetings more productive.

To take your meetings to the next level, download 5 Questions to Prepare for More Productive Meetings, and share it with others in your organisation.

Introducing Jhana® for Individuals Bite-Size Performance Support

Jhana takes a unique, just-in-time approach to learning. Learners build their skills over time—through practical everyday tips and advice delivered by “push” (a weekly email newsletter) and “pull” (a robust library of hundreds of articles, videos, and tools) accessed in the moment of need.


Crucial Insights for First-Level Leaders

Leading a team requires a different skillset than working as an individual contributor. To succeed in the face of new challenges, first-level leaders need to shift how they think and act. At FranklinCovey, we have gathered crucial insights for first-level leaders that will teach them how to develop your people into a high-performing team. Download our latest guide that puts the learning into practice. Feel free to share this guide with the first-level leaders in your organisation.

Culture | Individual Effectiveness | Leadership

The 7 Habits: A Brief Guide to the Principles of the Best-Selling Book

Your organisation's success depends on strong individual performance in every role—especially during times of change and stress. By applying The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®, you can build a culture of personal responsibility, optimal productivity, trust, cooperation, and creative problem-solving.

Download our guide for a summary of principles and practices that can help you cope with change in resilient, creative ways.


How to Communicate Change to Your Team

How leaders communicate a change to their team is critical to helping them understand and adapt. All change creates disruption, but leaders can minimize the amount of disruption through effective communication. Through careful preparation, leaders can articulate the change clearly and share a vision of the future with their team. Download our tool to help your leaders formulate an effective message the next time they communicate a change to their team.


6 Ways to Help Your Team Handle Stress

Each of us reacts to change in different ways—even to the same change. While our reactions to change are normal and human, it is our ability to choose our response that sets us apart and allows us to shape our own experiences.

Download our guide for six things you can do to help your team process the changes swirling around them and chart a productive course forward—despite the upheaval in their life and work.

Individual Effectiveness

Adapt to Change: 5 Self-Coaching Questions

A leader’s ability to adjust to new and shifting situations has a significant bearing on their ability to lead themselves, their teams, and their organisation through change. Fortunately, adaptability is like any other skill, and it can be cultivated over time.

Download our guide to help your leaders identify their current approach to change and adopt a productive mindset that enables them to thrive in new circumstances. Bonus: They can use it to coach their team, too!


Listen Like a Leader: 9 Tips to Drive Powerful Conversations

The best communicators aren't just good talkers; they're also great listeners. When you listen well in person or over video meetings, you can connect more deeply with your team members, colleagues, and customers. You will learn more from others and they learn more from you.

To become a better listener, read our guide, Listen Like a Leader: 9 Tips to Drive Powerful Conversations. Then pick one or two skills—like reading body language or asking powerful questions—that you can start building this week.


7 Ways to Build Trust Between You and Your Team

Credible leaders know how to build the trust necessary to propel their organisation—and the people in it—forward.

To help leaders in your organisation develop this critical skill, share our tool, 7 Ways to Build Trust Between You and Your Team—A Toolkit for Leaders at All Levels.


40 Back-Pocket Questions to Unleash Your Team's Intelligence

The best leaders are curious. But they don’t just ask a lot of questions. They ask the right questions—the kind that focus their team’s brainpower on the right problems.

To help leaders in your organisation develop this critical skill, share our tool, 40 Back-pocket Questions to Unleash Your Team’s Intelligence. Developed by Liz Wiseman, author of the bestselling book Multipliers, the questions are designed to open the door to creative solutions and stronger outcomes.


Humanize the Screen

Communication is a process, not just an idea. The best teachers, presenters, and facilitators thrive on human interaction. But put them in front of a computer screen instead of an in-person classroom and the whole dynamic changes. Some are able to connect with their audience, while others aren’t.

One thing we’ve learned is that having great content isn’t always enough. While content matters, the delivery is just as important. And a Live-Online format requires a different approach.

This guide shares insights and skills from our experience leading more than 30,000 Live-Online learning sessions over the past decade.


Help Your Organisation Thrive in the New World of Work

The world of work may have changed but expectations on leaders to produce results have not. Principles of effective leadership that result in superior performance haven’t changed either, but when some team members are co-located, some work from home, and even more follow a hybrid model, leaders must apply those principles differently. FranklinCovey has studied the transition to the new world of work in-depth as we’ve helped thousands of clients successfully transition. In doing so, we’ve identified a collection of best practices that are conducive to success.


12 Tips for Better Live-Online Learning

This past year people who were sceptical about Live-Online training have been forced to embrace it. In the process, many have learned that what worked in-person doesn’t always work in a virtual classroom. Download our guide to gain key insights from what FranklinCovey learned while producing more than 30,000 Live-Online sessions to 600,000 people around the world.

Strategy Execution

Turn Average Employees into High Performers

Your organisation has pockets of great performers and extraordinary teams. And then there’s everyone else. Whenever you have variability in performance, you have variability in results. The key to creating great results is institutionalizing high-performance behaviours at scale.

By applying some basic truths about human motivation, you can turn average employees into high performers and typical teams into powerhouses. Download our complimentary guide to discover how 'moving your middle' has dramatic results on your organisation’s overall performance.


10 Phrases Leaders Use to Build Trust with Team Members

Building a culture of trust starts with a shared vocabulary of simple, yet powerful phrases that leaders use to express gratitude, offer compassion, and provide support.

Leaders who engage team members with compassion and gratitude encourage them to trust one another and rally around each other and their leader to achieve desired outcomes.

Download our guide 10 Phrases Leaders Use to Build Trust with Team Members and share it with leaders throughout your organisation.

Culture | Leadership

Manage Your Biases to Better Manage Your Team

Bias is a natural part of the human condition—of how the brain works. It affects how we make decisions, engage with others, and respond to various situations and circumstances (often limiting potential). Understanding bias helps leaders notice and adjust for it, cultivate meaningful connections, and choose courage to make real change and unleash their own and others' potential.

Download our guide, Manage Your Biases to Better Manage Your Team, to learn some strategies for identifying your biases as a leader and what you can do to manage them.

Strategy Execution

8 Ways to Boost Your Team's Commitment to Goals

In a perfect world, your team would magically show up to work fully committed to their goals—one of the keys to accomplishing anything as a team. But, since that's not an option in the real world, download our guide, 8 Ways to Boost Your Team's Commitment to Goals, to get your team on board and moving in the right direction.


Make the Mental Leap to Leader

Turn Your Team Members Into Team Leaders. For leaders in the workplace, their leadership legacy begins with the opportunity to lead a single team. Leaders who have just one tier of employees reporting to them are referred to as “first-level leaders,” because they are on the first step of leadership.

If your first-level leaders' mentality toward work hasn’t changed significantly since they became leaders, it’s likely they're not actually leading. Leading people is vastly different from working as an individual contributor.

Don’t leave the success of your first-level leaders, and your organisation, to chance—download our complimentary six-step guide today.

Strategy Execution

6 Traps to Avoid When Creating an Engaged Virtual Team

 In remote and hybrid environments, leaders need to be even more intentional about creating the right conditions for high engagement.

The most powerful principles of human motivation are timeless, and they apply in all settings: in-person, remote, or hybrid. As the best leaders know, highly engaged employees are playing a game that matters, and they’re winning. Download this guide dispelling common engagement myths to ensure you are empowering your people wherever they are.

Strategy Execution

4 Steps to Refine and Execute Your Team Goals

Too many leaders set vague goals like “improve customer retention,” leaving their teams unsure of how well they’re doing or even exactly what they’re working toward. FranklinCovey has developed a simple but powerful formula to identify where you are today, where you want to go, and the deadline for reaching that goal.

Download our tool 4 Steps to Refine and Execute Your Team Goals and learn how to talk about goals in more specific and measurable ways.


9 Ways Your Leaders May Be Accidentally Diminishing Others

Strong performers tend to get ahead because of their energy, ideas, and high standards. But the very traits that propelled them into leadership roles can actually make them less effective as leaders. While researching her bestselling book, Multipliers, Liz Wiseman found 9 common patterns for how this happens.

Read our guide, 9 Ways Your Leaders May Be Accidentally Diminishing Others, to learn how to help leaders shift from Diminisher behaviors to Multiplier behaviors that bring out the best in their teams.

Individual Effectiveness

7 Tips for Doing What Matters Most

How do you manage your time? If you're like most hard-working professionals, you probably spend too much time putting out fires and not enough time pursuing your long-term goals.

In times of uncertainty and stress, it's even more important to be intentional about how you use your time, so you can respond to unforeseen events in effective ways.

Individual Effectiveness

Manage Your Energy to Do Your Job Well

Most high-achieving professionals care deeply about their work. They feel a strong sense of responsibility for people and projects and tend to neglect their own needs, especially in stressful times or when you need to adapt to change. If you fit that description, you may be on the path to burnout.

To identify areas where you're putting yourself at risk, answer the questions in our guide, then choose one good self-care habit you can start practicing this week.


6 Ways to Help Your Organisation Be More Inclusive

It takes courage to stand up to bias and advocate for a welcoming and fair culture in your organization. But courage alone won't ensure that you actually make a difference. We each have a part to play in making progress, and the strategies in this guide can help you make an impact.


5 Ways to Multiply Your Team's Natural Genius

Jon’s passionate about using technology to solve problems. Rachel’s amazing at turning data into eye-popping charts and graphs. And Luis has a gift for helping people with different opinions find common ground.

Everyone has a natural genius. Unlocking it is the secret to accessing more of each team member’s energy and ideas. To help your leaders get the most from their teams, share our guide, 5 Ways to Multiply Your Team’s Natural Genius, based on research by bestselling author Liz Wiseman.


6 Ways Managers Can Build Trust and Avoid Breaking It

A big part of leadership is inspiring teams to meet performance goals. But what determines whether they respond? Often, the answer hinges on the leader's ability to instill or erode trust within their teams.

Building trust and inspiring your teams to meet performance goals—while fostering professional growth, productivity, and commitment—are all part of creating a culture that thrives.

Download and read this guide, which shares some best practices from FranklinCovey to build trust and share it with leaders throughout your organisation.


Communicate Like a Leader

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused us to reflect on the efficacy and empathy of our communication. Shifting to remote working unleashed the need for practical adjustments, whilst the demands of our current reality necessitate communicating at every level in a way that builds trust. Effective communication is a prerequisite for effective problem solving, for effective relationships, for effective organisations. It is the fundamental skill of leadership- a role tasked with facilitating growth in teams and individuals at an unprecedented level in recent months.

This toolkit has been designed to help you consider how you can communicate more effectively as a leader - whether you are in a leadership role or not.


Advancing Sales Opportunities During Challenging Times

In recent months the COVID-19 pandemic has made many of us rethink our purpose and press pause on certain projects. As a sales professional,the way you do business may change, but not why you are in business.

Staying focused on creating value for customers and clients is critical, both in and out of crisis, despite our own inner hesitancy to make new connections and nurture existing opportunities.

Download this toolkit of resources, videos and interviews to help you and your sales team refocus your priorities and maintain integrity in your intent during challenging times.

Individual Effectiveness

Productivity During Times of Uncertainty

Given the unprecedented global situation, it is possible that your team’s progress has lost momentum as you navigate both rapid change and the pressure to adapt. Keeping focused, positive and productive can be a challenge when many of the things we rely on are taken away, different ways of working are introduced and new demands on our time appear.

Seeing successful results still moving forward can make all the difference to the resilience of your team. Download this toolkit of resources to enable you and your team to work together whilst working apart, stay productive and take individual ownership of your output.


Engagement, Motivation and Remote Working

Given the unprecedented global situation, remote working has become a necessity for many. As a leader you are faced with making new choices every day, and for the first time we’re finding that what worked yesterday, can quite literally change overnight.

During these turbulent times of remote working, keeping your team engaged, motivated and resilient can be a challenge, but one that is essential to maintaining momentum.

Download this resources toolkit to enable you and your team to work together whilst working apart, and deliver your best results.

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