FranklinCovey Events

Long and short, online and in-person, these events are designed to help leaders and decision makers understand how FranklinCovey approaches different business challenges organisations face today. Join us for an opportunity to engage with an experienced consultant and be inspired by new ideas.


Inclusive Leaders: Three keys to build an authentic, high-trust organisational culture

Recent studies show that organisations prioritising DEI in the workplace are more profitable and have higher innovation rates, up to 20%. They also report better employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention. This results in a happier, healthier organisation overall that produces greater results.

Now is the time for leaders to build inclusion into their daily behaviors and decisions. Do your leaders have the right styles, methods, skills, and tools to succeed?

Download our newest guide and share it with your leaders to learn more about developing inclusive leadership and building trust in your organisation.

Culture | Leadership

6 Key Communication Techniques to Build Trust and Inspire Your Team

The expectations for leaders in the workforce are changing. Leadership today is much more than setting goals and dictating priorities. Your job as a leader is to connect your team to a greater sense of purpose and meaning at work. To do this, communication is key. Leaders must communicate in ways that build trust and inspire their teams to greatness. Download these 6 Communication Techniques to Build Trust and Inspire Your Team. Then share them with leaders in your organization and encourage them to try these in their 1-on-1s.


Seven Misconceptions About Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases are, well, unconscious, which makes them hard to identify, much less know their true impact. It’s a complex and sometimes controversial issue. Is it any wonder that there are so many misconceptions around what to do? Before you can take steps to operate more fairly and effectively at work, you need to get your bearings.

Download our guide Seven Misconceptions About Unconscious Bias to better demystify this complex issue and understand what it takes to change unconscious biased behaviour.

Culture | Leadership

The Energy of Change: 5 Leadership Behaviours to Drive Collective Action in a Fluid Landscape

Organisational change used to feel like a rare event for most—now, it’s constant. And while part of dealing with change is simply accepting there will always be things beyond our control, leaders can use this disruption as an opportunity to create growth and inspire better results in both their people and their organisation. Help your leaders prepare their teams to move through change and transform your organisation’s approach to change by downloading and sharing our new guide, The Energy of Change—5 Leadership Behaviours to Drive Collective Action in a Fluid Landscape.

Culture | Individual Effectiveness | Leadership

The 7 Habits: A Brief Guide to the Principles of the Best-Selling Book

Your organisation's success depends on strong individual performance in every role—especially during times of change and stress. By applying The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®, you can build a culture of personal responsibility, optimal productivity, trust, cooperation, and creative problem-solving.

Download our guide for a summary of principles and practices that can help you cope with change in resilient, creative ways.


Humanize the Screen

Communication is a process, not just an idea. The best teachers, presenters, and facilitators thrive on human interaction. But put them in front of a computer screen instead of an in-person classroom and the whole dynamic changes. Some are able to connect with their audience, while others aren’t.

One thing we’ve learned is that having great content isn’t always enough. While content matters, the delivery is just as important. And a Live-Online format requires a different approach.

This guide shares insights and skills from our experience leading more than 30,000 Live-Online learning sessions over the past decade.


Help Your Organisation Thrive in the New World of Work

The world of work may have changed but expectations on leaders to produce results have not. Principles of effective leadership that result in superior performance haven’t changed either, but when some team members are co-located, some work from home, and even more follow a hybrid model, leaders must apply those principles differently. FranklinCovey has studied the transition to the new world of work in-depth as we’ve helped thousands of clients successfully transition. In doing so, we’ve identified a collection of best practices that are conducive to success.


12 Tips for Better Live-Online Learning

This past year people who were sceptical about Live-Online training have been forced to embrace it. In the process, many have learned that what worked in-person doesn’t always work in a virtual classroom. Download our guide to gain key insights from what FranklinCovey learned while producing more than 30,000 Live-Online sessions to 600,000 people around the world.

Culture | Leadership

Manage Your Biases to Better Manage Your Team

Bias is a natural part of the human condition—of how the brain works. It affects how we make decisions, engage with others, and respond to various situations and circumstances (often limiting potential). Understanding bias helps leaders notice and adjust for it, cultivate meaningful connections, and choose courage to make real change and unleash their own and others' potential.

Download our guide, Manage Your Biases to Better Manage Your Team, to learn some strategies for identifying your biases as a leader and what you can do to manage them.


6 Ways to Help Your Organisation Be More Inclusive

It takes courage to stand up to bias and advocate for a welcoming and fair culture in your organization. But courage alone won't ensure that you actually make a difference. We each have a part to play in making progress, and the strategies in this guide can help you make an impact.

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