Upskill Your Workforce to Navigate Difficult Conversations

Dieses Webinar wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

According to a recent study, 65% of people worry about how the other person will react to having a difficult conversation. It’s common for people to avoid difficult conversations or handle them poorly because they feel unprepared or afraid to address challenging issues.

While avoiding difficult conversations may lead to temporary relief, the true underlying issues persist, eventually building into larger problems. Growth happens in effectively addressing challenging issues—both for individuals and organisations. This bitesize webcast walks through a practical course for helping individuals turn tension into progress.

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Help your workforce shift from the tension of difficult conversations to making progress on important issues.

Download this bitesize webcast to learn how your workforce can:

  • Set a clear and collaborative tone from the start of the conversation.
  • Notice emotions in themselves and others that may impact the conversation.
  • Respond to emotional reactions in the moment to keep the conversation productive.

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