Figuring Out Moving Forward

Staying Proactive, Effective and Connected

01. How to stay present and at your best

This session includes: 

  • The stages of change and the importance of recognising the range of  human experiences within it
  • How you can inspire both yourself and others by Putting First Things First
  • How to take ownership of yourself, your activities and the impact you can have

02. How to create trust through true listening

This session includes: 

  • The anatomy of true listening and effective communication
  • Why Seeking First To Understand, Then To Be Understood is so pertinent in today’s world
  • How listening is linked to increased trust, and what that can achieve

03. How to get tough things done in tough times

This session includes: 

  • Working towards clearly defined goals
  • How to follow through on commitments amidst daily distractions
  • Maintaining the balance between understanding and accountability
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I can’t think of a conversation that would not be enhanced or improved by the application of the principles Ray discussed.

Meet the Speaker

Ray McGrath

With over 25 years as an implementer of business strategy with board level and operational experience, Ray has maintained a lifelong commitment to learning, teaching, and inspiring throughout.

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