Navigating the Hallways of Change

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I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions

— Stephen R. Covey

How to move from the old to the new

Discover what to do when one door closes, but another doesn’t open; Understanding the powerful role your period of transition plays and how to regain control.

How to face challenges, not fix problems

Gain insight into why leaning into feelings of panic or discomfort can actually help unlock potential; how to effectively identify our circle of influence and proactively handle challenges when you  don’t have the complete picture.

How to focus on momentum, not perfection

This session will cover: the pitfalls of procrastination and perfectionism when choosing a path forward, how to be intentional in your decisions (Beginning With The End In Mind), the importance of innovation, and how to start achieving it.

How to lead through change

To round up the series, Tim discusses the integral role of a leader in navigating change. This includes leading with empathy; seeing your employees as ‚whole people‘; learning how to teach teams to fish (making the move from fixing to building capability) and the tools for empowering a high-trust workforce who are able to course correct quickly.

Meet the Speakers

Tim Threipland

An internationally recognised leadership expert, Tim delivers high impact talks to global audiences from tens to hundreds of attendees for organisations across most sectors.

Ray McGrath

With over 25 years as an implementer of business strategy with board level and operational experience, Ray has maintained a lifelong commitment to learning, teaching, and inspiring throughout.

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