
Lang oder kurz, online oder persönlich, diese Veranstaltungen sollen Führungskräften und Entscheidungsträgern helfen zu verstehen, wie FranklinCovey die verschiedenen geschäftlichen Herausforderungen angeht, mit denen Unternehmen heute konfrontiert sind. Nutze die Gelegenheit, dich mit einem erfahrenen Berater auszutauschen und dich von neuen Ideen inspirieren zu lassen.


Growing Together with Curiosity, Courage and Consideration

Typically, most people want to do a good job, and the right thing, most of the time. That hasn’t changed…but a lot else has. What has surprised you over the past few months? Has it been a reluctance to return to the office or the sigh of relief felt at the social interaction? Perhaps the renewed need for a clear vision or the strain of treating everyone in hybrid teams equally? Maybe it’s been the dawning that what was isn’t necessarily what works?

Across three bite-sized sessions, our Leadership Practice Director Tim Threipland offers actionable strategies and ready-now advice for getting work done together in a consistent, inclusive, fulfilling way when everyone is feeling so differently. Download now to explore:

  1. How to Create a Sense of Belonging
  2. How to Strengthen Communication to Stay Aligned
  3. How to Balance Flexibility with Accountability

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Taking Stock One Year On

Our personal and professional selves have become so intertwined, that the way many of us think about and carry out our roles has altered beyond simple practicalities. Are you still engaged as we wait for whatever comes next? Has distance made you dismissive of others? What have we gained that we don’t want to lose? Is your team’s potential being wasted? What can be done?

These are just some of the questions this series addresses towards creating a culture together that is fit for purpose amidst the new workplace habits, biases, expectations, preferences and aspirations of both ourselves and others. Download now to explore:

  1. How to Appreciate Our Experience and Grow
  2. How to Break From Unhelpful Biases and Develop a New Understanding
  3. How to Unlock a Meaningful Contribution in Yourself and Others


Figuring Out Moving Forward

Staying Proactive, Effective and Connected in 2021. At FranklinCovey we’re asking how do you, as a team member or leader, create that intentionality in mindset, collaboration and activity, to keep pushing ahead?

With workforces now equipped with expanded toolkits, first it is important to recognise that whilst the varied and challenging demands on our lives have increased, often so have the rewards. This series has been designed to provide actionable strategies for addressing the balance we must strike in a bolder future; balance between courage and consideration, understanding and accountability, winning and wellbeing, logging in and off.  Download three bite-sized sessions:

  • How to stay present and at your best
  • How to create trust through true listening
  • How to get tough things done in tough times


Leading Ourselves Out of Lockdown

As we slowly move into the limbo of ‘nearly’ normal, featuring distanced offices, redefined hours, and remote working for the foreseeable future, we’re here to help you be the best you can be whatever your location, obstacle or objective. Each keynote shares timeless principles and proven practices from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to help teams and individuals maintain perspective, stay proactive and on track. This series includes six bite-sized sessions:

1. How to break free from old habits

2. How to move forward with purpose

3.  How to ‘stop’ doing things

4. How to grow together as a team

5. How to learn from others’ experiences

6. How to maintain momentum

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Navigating the Hallways of Change

Whether you’re dealing with new childcare routines, a redefined role, additional responsibility or personal uncertainty, it is likely one of the three states resonates: Stalling (you know where you want to go but you don’t know how to get there), Stuck (you’re too preoccupied with confusion and frustration to take stock and proactively move forward) or Sand  (you have put a lot of energy into keeping your head down and waiting for things to go back to normal).

These reactions are completely natural, but not sustainable. This series offers relevant, time-proven strategies to help you lean into your state of flux, restore your sense of purpose and carve a new path when you don’t have all the answers. Download now for access to four bite-sized sessions:

  1. How to move from the old to the new
  2. How to face challenges, not fix problems
  3. How to focus on momentum, not perfection
  4. How to lead through change

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